The committee has had three "MINI REUNION" meetings in Clearfield while working on plans for the 50th Class reunion. The meetings have been attended by a group of very sincere, interested, and well informed members of our class who are genuinely interested in making this a very friendly, informal,and entertaining class reunion to be enjoyed by all class members and guests.
Many hands make the work go faster and the number of volunteers that has come forth thus far has been very satisfying. However, there is always room for many more participants and their ideas and input to make this reunion what you want it to be. You do mean something to this class and your ideas will be appreciated and considered. In addition, you will be part of the "MINI REUNION" which takes place at each of the two-hour planning sessions. We have all enjoyed the meetings and have had a great time at each, in addition to making great progress toward the final production of our 50th reunion.
The subcommittees are listed in a complete summary composite of the meetings to date, submitted on this blog at an earlier date in January by our very capable secretary/reporter Joyce Moody-Fletcher under the heading "UPDATE ON 50th YEAR REUNION PLANS". Please refer to that article for the listings of the subcommittees and plans to date that have been accomplished.
This blog is the product of the good work of Denny Mollura and many contributors who have provided some wonderful memories with the items provided for the blog. Please feel free to send any items you might have to Denny for inclusion and edification on the blog. Thus far, as chairperson, I am well pleased with the wonderful cooperation and willingness to work on our reunion by so many really concerned and talented people .
We have made great progress and can make even more in our future meetings, the next of which is scheduled for April 5, 2008 1:00 to 3:00 PM at the Shaw Library. Please make an effort to attend and add your talents to the making of our class reunion plans so that nothing is left out that you might have wanted included. It is your reunion, so please participate, if at all possible. We encourage participation by everyone. The reunion is to be a relaxed, informal, getting reacquainted after all these years get-together where what you have accomplished, where you live, and what you drive, will take a back seat to a friendly hug and/or handshake, and conversation down memory lane where we can truly enjoy the company of those classmates we were so close to all those years ago, but from whom situations and distance have separated us over all these years .
Yes, Frenchville is a few miles from Clearfield, but remember, many of us rode a school bus every day on those same roads just to get to be able to, very proudly, say we are graduates of CLEARFIELD AREA HIGH SCHOOL. In addition, the grounds are very spacious with pavilions in which groups could gather if they wanted a more private spot, a ball park for those who may want to display their still admirable athletic skills, and grass for just lying back and relaxing. The old complaint that there unions are too classy and stuffy is no longer a factor. Come as you are, as you wish, and enjoy your fellow classmates' company in a totally relaxed, as you want, atmosphere.
Looking forward to seeing you at a planning session.
Your chairperson, Merlyn (Herb) Maney