Sunday, October 26, 2008
The next meeting of the Reunion Planners for our 50th-Year Class Reunion will be held Saturday, November 1, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Shaw Library.
Everyone, please plan to attend. We need your ideas and input.
- Merlyn (Herb) Maney, Chairman
More Tidbits from The Progress
Tidbits from Third Ward School
Oct. 20, 1950 - The Progress …
Officers for 4th, 5th Grades Elected In 3rd Ward School
Officers for the fourth and fifth grades of the Third Ward School were elected recently.
Miss Flora Strayer’s fourth grade -- Kay Skinner, president; Judy Bell, vice president; Vicki Libreatori, secretary; Anson Graham, treasurer.
Miss Twila Matthew’s fourth grade -- Dennis Boal, president; Bonnie Henchbarger, vice president; James Brody, secretary; Beverly Caldwell, treasurer.
Feb. 13, 1951 - The Progress …
School Pupils Make Valentine Favors For Hospital Patients
Patients of the Clearfield Hospital will have their food trays decorated with Valentine favors tomorrow -- thanks to the Fourth and Fifth Grade pupils of the Third Ward School.
The favors were made as a school project under the direction of Miss Edna Froyd and were presented to Hospital Administrator Paul Loubris yesterday by Kenneth Mitchell, Jerry Ann Jury and Gloria Wrigley, representing the Third Ward School pupils.
Oct. 3, 1951 - The Progress …
Fourth, Fifth Grades Elect Room Officers At Third Ward School
Fourth and fifth grade students of Third Ward elected homeroom officers at meetings held recently.
Two fourth and two fifth grade rooms named their leaders. One homeroom government, room 9 of the fourth grade, is set up on the same basis as that of a town. ….
Fifth grade officers elected are Room 10 President -- Guy Graham. Vice-President -- Betsy Kephart. Secretary -- Dennis Boal. Asst. Secretary -- Jesse Stewart. Treasurer -- Virginia Smeal. Student Council -- Jerri Ann Jury, Gloria Wrigley.
Room 7 President -- Gary Bolton. Vice-President -- Laurie Smeal. Secretary -- Anson Graham. Asst. Secretary -- Judith Eckley. Treasurer -- Linda Wright. Asst. Treasurer -- Kirk High. Student Council -- Linda Kolbe, Gloria Rice.
Junior High This ‘n That
Dec. 9, 1954 - The Progress …
Clearfield 8th Grade Pupils To Explain Geography Curriculum
The eighth grade pupils of the geography classes in the Clearfield Area Junior High School will broadcast over WCPA Friday, Dec. 10, at 10:05 a.m., a program entitled “Activities of the Eighth Grade Geography Curriculum.”
The broadcast will be in the form of a panel discussion. By this means the pupils will point out to the parents and radio listeners just exactly what is done in the geography classes. This brief discussion will include the content material of the curriculum, the actual learning experiences, and how these activities are geared to the individual needs and interest of the children.
Wilber Shirey will be the moderator of the panel. The pupils participating as panel members will be Pauline Maloni, Joyce Billotte, Joanne Shimel, Mary Kay Garman, Joyce Shugarts, and Sandra Brown. The program was planned by the pupils and the geography teachers, Horace Thomas and Harold Cassidy.
Jan. 20, 1955 - The Progress …
Junior High Pupils To Discuss Accident In WCPA Broadcast
A panel of boys and girls from the Clearfield Area Junior High School Health and First Aid Classes will broadcast over WCPA tomorrow at 10:05 a.m. an original program emphasizing how carelessness costs many lives.
The eighth graders participating in the presentation will discuss the problem and dramatize their reasons for the disastrous conditions that lead toward the uselessness of the waste of human lives because of accidents.
The boys and girls who will be responsible for the production of this program are: Sandra Brown, announcer; Tom O’Day, moderator; Neil Buckley and Bob Lee, sound effects; Pauline Maloni, Joan Shimel, Bill Dimeling and Gerald Koval, panelists; Bill Fuhrer, Alton Davis, Wilbur Shirey, Dawn Cleveland, Robert Jay, Sue Sherkel, Dick Spingola, Joyce Billotte, Jimmy Stewart, James Walthers and Gary Greene in the skits.
Dec. 14, 1955 - The Progress …
Clearfield Ninth Grade Science Class To Dramatize Skit
A ninth grade science class from the Clearfield Area Junior High School will dramatize a skit entitled “Electricity around the Christmas Tree” over WCPA, Thursday at 10:05 a.m. The play will show how carelessness in the use of electricity for Christmas lighting can be prevented.
The members of the cast will be Wilbur Shirey, Jerry Koval and Charles Nelson. Sue Sherkel will do the announcing.
The script was written by Jerry Koval and Charles Nelson, as a result of a class project on the safe use of electricity for Christmas Lighting and decorating.
The class project and the radio program are under the direction of Paul Bednar, a ninth grade science teacher.
Random Notes on Wilbur Shirey
Wilbur spent a lot of time in high school breeding and selling boxer pups (As spotted in the “Classified Ads” in The Progress. Many, many ads. No indication that he would later turn to honey bees).
Nov. 10, 1958 - The Progress …
Young Hunter Gets Turkey
Wilbur Shirey of Bigler, a 16-year-old Clearfield Area High School student, bagged a 9 ¼-pound wild turkey hen while hunting Saturday in the Grahamtown area.
(Note - Wilbur stands alone as the big game hunter of our class.)
Tidbits from The Progress - All Research, Stories and Photos by Mona Kay Mollura Croyle

Fourth Grade Class Officers Elected In Fourth Ward School
Class officers and council members were elected in the fourth grade of the Fourth Ward, September 21.
Dawn Buehler and David Schucker were named council members. All council members elected from the fourth grade will remain on the council for three years unless they resign on account of illness or move from the district.
Class officers elected were president, Gary Greene; vice president, Biaggina Accordino; secretary, Sandra Howland; treasurer, Lewis Marrara.
John McDivitt, Nicky Mendolia, Judy Stevens and Robert Henry acted as tellers for the election.
John McDivitt, Nicky Mendolia, Judy Stevens and Robert Henry acted as tellers for the election.
(By Melvera Kennedy and Linda Porta).
Oct. 3, 1951 - The Progress …
Oct. 3, 1951 - The Progress …
Fourth, Fifth Grades Elect Class Officers At Fourth Ward School
Class officers were elected by the fourth and fifth grades of Fourth Ward at organizational meetings last week. The fourth grade also named council members and staff members for its newspaper, the Star Bulletin.
Mimi Crowe and Dennis Howell were elected members of the council, Joseph Barbara was named circulation manager and Sheila Evans collector of materials for the Star Bulletin. Class officers elected are: President -- Rosemary Sturniolo. Vice President -- Sandy Ruffner. Secretary-Treasurer -- Ann Marie Marino. The tellers at the meeting were Judy Porschet and Donna Barone.
Mimi Crowe and Dennis Howell were elected members of the council, Joseph Barbara was named circulation manager and Sheila Evans collector of materials for the Star Bulletin. Class officers elected are: President -- Rosemary Sturniolo. Vice President -- Sandy Ruffner. Secretary-Treasurer -- Ann Marie Marino. The tellers at the meeting were Judy Porschet and Donna Barone.
Class officers elected at a meeting of the fifth grade are: President -- Patty Peterson. Vice President -- Glenn Myers. Secretary -- Lewis Marrara. Treasurer -- Patty Smith.
Feb. 11, 1953 - The Progress …
Sixth Grade To Give WCPA Program Thurs.
Sixth grades will present their assembly over WCPA at 10:05 a.m. tomorrow by remote control from Leonard Grade building. Songs of winter and the February holidays as well as famous poems and quotations to be remembered make up the program.
Leaders in song will be Joan Shimmel (misspelled), Neil Buckly (misspelled) , Nicky Mendolia, Ginny Smeal, Pat Patrick, Diana Rummery (misspelled), Betsy Kephart and Jessie Stewart. Bob Lee, Dick Spingola, Tom O’Day, and Patty Smith will sing solo parts.
“Snowflakes Drift and Fall” will be sung by a group of seven, Dawn Cleveland, Carol Capatch, Bonnie Henchbarger, Judy Eckley, Ruby Ellinger, Sandra Brown and Mary Gintzer. Lewis Marrara with his clarinet will lead the group while they sing “Glow Worm.” Other participants will be Sara Lyons, Blair Hoover, Gloria Wrigley, Bia Accordina (misspelled) and Pauline Marrara (should be Maloni), the announcer.
“Snowflakes Drift and Fall” will be sung by a group of seven, Dawn Cleveland, Carol Capatch, Bonnie Henchbarger, Judy Eckley, Ruby Ellinger, Sandra Brown and Mary Gintzer. Lewis Marrara with his clarinet will lead the group while they sing “Glow Worm.” Other participants will be Sara Lyons, Blair Hoover, Gloria Wrigley, Bia Accordina (misspelled) and Pauline Marrara (should be Maloni), the announcer.
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