Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friends, and Still Together After 68 Years

Linda Smith Dale tells the story:

The friendship between Penny Hile McCracken and me goes back 68 years!!! Here is a picture taken of us with our moms on 8th Street in East End in front of Penny's aunt's home. From left are Dorothy Hastings Hile and Penny and Dorothy Spencer Smith and me. Penny and I are still the best of friends and we talk weekly.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Betsy Kephart Kruckenberg Captures Junior High Memories

Betsy Kephart Kruckenberg captured some memorable photos of faculty, students and and administration in Junior High School. Thanks to Betsy and her omnipresent camera, we now can enjoy some of those memories as we approach our 50th-year reunion. Great work, Betsy!

Mr. Elwood L. Rohrbaugh, Principal of the Junior High School, who later became Superintendent of Schools, in front of the "Old Junior High School." Great architecture, huh? Herb Maney and the blogmeister made a pact at the end of our Ninth Grade year to meet 25 years later on the steps of the school. The school didn't make it, and neither did we.
- Dennis Mollura
Miss Stephenson. I recall she was one of our class' all-time favorite Jr. High teachers. Perhaps someone has a story or two to share.

Miss McCune - girl's phys ed teacher shares the spotlight with a 1955 Ford Victoria and 1953 Chevy convertible. Those were the days.

Mr. Bednar - 9th grade teacher who helped inspire some of the better science projects. He could be tough on rowdy boys, too.

Last Call To Send Photo and Blurb for Our CAHS Information Booklet

Don't be left out!

This is the last call to submit a photo of yourself (any age, anywhere, preferably doing something you love) to Sue Weisshaus Speicher for inclusion in the Information Booklet she is preparing for our 50th-year reunion.

The Information Booklet Response Form should be sent by the end of the week to Sue Weisshaus Speicher, 2262 King James Court, Winter Park, FL 32792. Her e-mail address is

You can send a digital photo to her e-mail address along with a short blurb on where you are, what you've been doing, and where you've been. If sending a printed photo, it should be no larger than 3 by 5 or 4 by 6 inches. Your blurb should be no longer than four typewritten lines so she can fit it in just as you've prepared it.

- The Reunion Committee

Photos from Our Younger Years

Linda Wright and Kay Skinner

- Photo by Betsy Kruckenberg

Peggy Borst, Sonia Borst, Sheila Learish and Jane Winslow.

- Photo by Judi Rolley

John Kruse, Beverly Caldwell and Penny Hile

- Photo by Peggy Jo Knepp

Anne Bartley - Love these childhood photos

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reunion Planning Meeting Scheduled for June 6

The next planning meeting for our CAHS 50th-Year Class Reunion will be held Saturday, June 6, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Shaw Library in Clearfield.

We'd love to have 1959 class members from CAHS and St. Francis present to offer ideas and suggestions as we head into the final planning phase for all the activities and fun scheduled for July 31-August 2.

Anna Unch Shares Photos of Classmates

Lillian Rowles - 1958

Jessie Stewart - Summer of 1958, at the "Old High School"

Anna - Summer of 1958

Anna - Maybe 1955

Thanks, Anna, for sharing these moments in front of a school that we often saw, sometimes visited, but never had the pleasure of attending. We were the first class to attend the "New High School" on Mill Road in Clearfield.

Monday, May 25, 2009

50th-Year Class Reunion

Clearfield Area High School
St. Francis High School
July 31 - August 2

Please send reservations today to:
Joyce Moody Fletcher
P.O. Box 366
Hyde, PA 16843

Hi Classmates,

May 30, 2009 is quickly approaching. If you have returned your response forms, thanks for your prompt reply. If you have not responded, please do so before May 30, 2009. We need to hear from you so we can complete our planning at our June 6, 2009 meeting at the Shaw Library at 1:00 p.m.

The Fantastic 50th Reunion Response Form should be sent to:
Joyce Moody-Fletcher, P.O. Box 366, Hyde, PA 16843. Her e-mail address is Her phone number is 814-765-0142.

The Information Booklet Response Form should be sent to Sue Weisshaus Speicher, 2262 King James Court, Winter Park, FL 32792. Her e-mail address is

Please don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime gathering! We also look forward to receiving your blurbs and pictures for our Information Booklet.

- The Reunion Committee

Bonnie and Ed Powell - Stalwarts on the 50th-Year Reunion Committee

Whenever members of Clearfield Area High School and St. Francis Class of 1959 meet to plan our 50th-year reunion, there is a strong core of members who always show up to move the plans ahead.

Among the most loyal and committed are Bonnie Henchbarger Powell and her husband Ed Powell. Bonnie has shared these photos from the Fifties - Bonnie in 1955, Bonnie and Ed in 1968 and a recent photo of Bonnie.

Many thanks to you both , Bonnie and Ed. We truly appreciate your loyalty, friendship and commitment to the making our 50th-year reunion a great success.
- The Reunion Committee

Phil Graham Checks In with Photo from Wyoming

A little history of the picture taken at my home in Cheyenne. Grandson Ryan, Youth Pastor, Church in Wallaceton; Phil, tool & die maker, retired; Rodney, son of owner of Quality Masonry in Woodland. (July 2007)

Phil Graham

Memories from The Progress - Oct 16, 1952

Leonard Graders
Elect Homeroom
Officers for Year

At elections held recently in their homerooms, the pupils of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades in Leonard Grade School chose their officers for the year.

The voting for homeroom officers is an activity which takes place early in the term each year, arousing almost as much interest, enthusiasm and excitement among the small fry as national elections arouse among their parents. There is a big difference, however. There are no hard feelings and no election bets to mar the happiness of the group after the election is over.

The newly elected officers are:

Mrs. Mildred Bollinger’s Room, Grade 6: President, Beth Newton; Vice President, Alton Davis; Secretary, Thomas Brigandi, Treasurer, Bonnie Henchbarger.

Miss Francis Black’s Room, Grade 6: President, Paul Clarke; Vice President, Bill Fuhrer; Secretary, Patricia Smith; Treasurer, Mickey Wright.

Miss Grace McMahon’s Room, Grade 6: President, Bob Lee; Vice President, Becky Kline; Secretary, Texanna Maines; Treasurer, Peggy Jo Knepp.

Miss Amy Peter’s Room, Grade 6: President, Tom Shively, Vice President, Joanna Shimel; Secretary, Bonnie Wilson, Treasurer, Bette Lou Welsh.

Miss Betty Brown’s Room, Grade 6: President, Bill Hipps; Vice President, Penny Hile; Secretary, Denny Mollura; Treasurer, Vicki Libreatori.

- Research by Mona Kay Mollura Croyle