Hello everyone,I must ask for some help on Saturday for the birthday event on Saturday, July 30, at the Clearfield Knights of Columbus Hall.
I won't be my normal "rip and tear around" self and assistance in setting up and cleaning up OUR stuff would be appreciated. You see, I'M NOT GETTING OLD, I just have learned why my knee is not doing as it should since the total knee replacement. Both the top and bottom appliances have come loose..... YUK!!!
The fix is not yet determined, but removal and new hardware seems the only idea so far, and that is sometime later. In the meantime, it swells, gets hot, hurts, and rocks back and forth laterally. Oh yes, I'm really looking cool !!
The tables need set up and covered and the normal stuff put out. The decorations are minimal and the food is easy and will be gotten together the day before. As always, my husband Denny will be the "hauler" and carrier ... just feed him and he will work!
We will have a great time and then, those of us who want, can go to the Alumni thing and enjoy the cash bar and the band ... all for ZERO DOLLARS.
Wow! On top of that, we will have a smashing time at Sam's the night before and all we have to bring is a dish to share.
See you all soon, Judi