Orvis Kline:
Your memory of Bob Henry brought back some good memories I have of him and showed another side of Bob I didn't know about - but didn't surprise me! Bob and I were part of CHS's Track team and both threw the javelin.
Charley Fama was our "star" (he set a new school record about every other time he threw the javelin) and consistently hit in the 170 - 180 foot range with his throws. Bob was good for 145 - 155 feet and I brought up the rear with 140 - 150 feet. Charley took 1st place almost every meet, Bob took 2nd or 3rd and I either had to out-throw everyone on the other team or Bob just to get "1" team point! I will always remember Bob cheering me on and urging me to "let it go" and "beat him this time!" I only did twice in three years - but he never stopped pushing me and encouraging me to "beat him this time." Great guy!
Rosalie Cardinale, Class of 58:
I have been reading all your CHS info. Dominic (brother Dominic "Doc" Cardinale - Class of '59) called today, and I told him I have printed all the pages and will mail them to him. He doesn't have a computer. The write-up of Junior Henry was so touching. ...He was a sweet guy, and spent a lot of time with my brother.
Editor's Note - To our teacher Mrs. Cowder, my family and me, he was always Robert Henry. To most of his classmates, he was Bob. To his neighbors, closest friends, and most likely his family, he was Junior. His father was Lewis Henry, who was a lay preacher and worked at Robinson Clay Products for many years. Robert Lewis Henry - by any name, same great person, same great friend._______
Because Robert Henry has been the subject of several stories and comments on this website, we are printing his obituary as published by The Progress in January 1966. The obituary - submitted by Orvis Kline - provides details of Robert's life, family and military service.SGT. ROBERT L. HENRYFuneral services for Sgt. Robert Lewis Henry, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry, 117 Clark St., Clearfield, will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Fred B. Leavy Funeral Home. The Rev. Stacey Barr will officiate at the services and interment will be made in Hillcrest Cemetery.
Military honors will be conducted at graveside by the 32nd Marine Rifle Company. Friends will be received in the funeral home after 3:30 p. m. tomorrow and until the hour of service. Sgt Henry died last Wednesday Jan. 5, in the Tripler Hospital at Honolulu, Hawaii, following an illness of two months. He enlisted in the Marines in December 1959, and prior to his illness had served eight months of combat duty in Viet Nam.
Born at Clearfield March 21, 1941, he was a son of Lewis and Louise (Carter) Henry. Besides his parents, he is survived by his wife, the former Lauretta Piper; four children, Albert Lewis, Craig Steven, Adrian Marie and Robin Denise; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Anna Harrington, Helen, Ellen, Theodore. Karen and Jonathan, at home; also two nieces, two nephews, two aunts and four uncles. Three uncles are deceased.