Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31st  - Happy Birthday Joyce Moody-Fletcher!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Clearfield Area High School
Class of ‘59
Dear Friends,                                                                                                 January 29, 2017

We write to give you a ‘heads up’ and a ‘save this date’ for our annual Class of ’59 gathering in Clearfield on July 15, 2017.  Yes, another year will have passed (58) since graduation and this is a chance to renew old acquaintances.  We have confirmed that the Clearfield Bison Alumni (CBA) annual banquet will be the same day so you can do both and save a trip if you are coming from out of town.  We write now so that you have this information for planning family reunions, vacations and making travel arrangements to join us.

We had such a good time last year that we have not made significant changes to what we did then.  The place is the same.  Judy Rolley White has again reserved the Chinklacamoose Room at the Sapp Brothers Truckstop, 15196 Clearfield-Shawville Highway, for Saturday, July 15, starting at 1:00p.m.  We can have lunch from their lunch buffet and chat at the same time.  Last year some of us stayed for the dinner buffet also.  The food was good and the price was right.  The room is ours for the day, so we can stay as long as we like.  It was a good time and we look forward to a repeat performance.

Linda Smith Dale tells us we will get a letter from the CBA in May.  As of now, their meeting will again be held at the St. Charles CafĂ©, 226 North 3rd Street, Clearfield, PA.  The letter from CBA will have a list of places to stay or you can Google Clearfield PA Hotels and get them all.  Please make your reservations for the CBA banquet with CBA.

If you plan to attend the Class of ’59 reunion, please let Wilbur know so we can have a place for you in the Chinklacamoose Room.  His e-mail address is wshirey@pa.net and his snail mail address is 5 Hill Street, Mt Holly Springs, PA 17065.  Remember this is a ‘come as you are’ and ‘pay as you go’ event.

We hope you can attend both events.

Warm regards,

Joyce Moody Fletcher   Ph 814-765-0142
Orvis Kline
Tom O’Day  Ph 910-235-0492
Wilbur Shirey  Ph 717-486-4665
Peggy Jo Knepp Thompson
Judi Rolley White  Ph 814-265-2204