Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Flying Through Time with Bev Caldwell Law

Bev - Graduation

April 1947

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's Going To Be Great To See Barb Ondo Again!

One of the joys of our 50th Year Reunion will be visiting and reuniting with classmates whom many of us have not seen since graduation.

One such classmate is Barbara Ondo. Barb graduated from the Philipsburg State Hospital School of Nursing and served as a nurse at Philipsburg Hospital and other medical facilities in the area.

She and her husband, Ed Skripek, have lived and raised their family in Moshannon all these years.

Hello, Barb. It's going to be great to see you again.

Line of the Day...Errr, O'Day

Was discussing plans for our 50th-Year Reunion with Pauline Maloni the other day when the conversation turned to Tom O'Day, who has done yeoman's work for the event.

"Oh, Tom," said Pauline. "He was our Cary Grant."


- Dennis Mollura