Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21st  - Happy Birthday Jerriann Jury Nielsen!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mother Nature Speaks

One of our Classmates is trying to sell her home.  It looks to me like Mother Nature is trying to prevent that by burying the For Sale sign!! Is Mother Nature trying to send a message???

(Click to enlarge)

Message to Class of '59 from Tom O'Day

I received the following message from Tom O'Day (via Judi Rolley White) that he wishes posted on our blog.  My apologies to Tom.  I received this back in late November, 2013 and thought it had been published, but just found it tonight sitting in a draft file!!

                                A Note To The Class From Tom O'Day

A quote from a card I received when my brother Ed passed away, "And by memories that live in our hearts", brings me to thank our class for the past five reunions.

I was able to see my brother more in the last 5 years than in the previous 10 due to our "never ending" class reunions.

These are now "precious moments".

                                 Thanks to you all, Tom 

What a beautiful sentiment!!  I could not agree with Tom more!  It is often said at our reunion meetings that we don't really need the reunions - let's just keep on having our meetings!!  I have personally thoroughly enjoyed every meeting, dinner and reunion that I have been able to get to!  Reconnecting to old friends and sharing the old stories and memories that we each have - has been priceless.  It always amazes me to find out that some event that was such a big deal to some folks in the past, is barely remembered by others that shared the same event!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18th  - Happy Birthday Jeanine Moon Duke!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th  - Happy Birthday Virginia Mabie Daub!!