Friday, October 21, 2011

Update on classmate Chuck Nelson

Just called Chuck to find out how he is doing. He is doing great.

He says since he retired six months ago and turned off his email to go fishing, he hasn’t looked at it since. I’m sending him some snail mail and invited him to the April meeting.

- Tom O'Day

Mr. Barnes passes away

George W. Barnes, 7th and 8th grade health teacher when we were in Junior High School, passed away on Wednesday, October 19.  Following is a portion of his obituary notice in Gant Dailey:

Born in Williamsport, PA to a union master carpenter and his wife and was the eldest of 14 children.  Mr. Barnes was a World War II veteran serving in France and Germany until he was shot in April 1945. He was the recipient of two  Purple Hearts, and the Bronze Star for combat leadership. After the war, he graduated from Lock Haven University, where he met his wife, Minnie Belt.

Mr. Barnes later earned a Masters degree in education from Penn State, and spent his working life with the Clearfield and Moshannon Valley School Districts.

Mr. Barnes was inducted into the PA Sports Hall of Fame in 1995 for his longtime dedication to the youth of Clearfield.

Instrumental in bringing Little League to Clearfield youth in 1949, he was also a part of the planning and building of the community and country club swimming pools. A man of high integrity, he instilled in his children and lived his life with a strong work ethic, a sense of right and wrong, and an acceptance and tolerance of all people.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Suzanne!

Suzy with Bev Caldwell, Bill Betts and Jimmy Stewart at her 16th birthday party.
Today is Suzy Sherkel Nagle's birthday!

If you happen to see her on the street or in a restaurant, bar or ice cream parlor, wish her a great one.

Editor's note:  Birthday greetings are now a regular feature of the CAHS blog.

Our classmate Keith Crowe passes away

Sad to report our classmate Keith Crow has passed away. Following is a portion of his obituary notice from the Breeze Courier, Taylorville, IL.

Keith H. Crowe
Sept. 14, 1940 - Oct. 3, 2011

Keith H. Crowe, 71, of Taylorville, IL passed away at 2:30 p.m. Monday, October 3, 2011, at Taylorville Memorial Hospital, Taylorville.   He was born September 14, 1940, in Adrian, PA, the son of Thomas E. and Jennie Croyle Crowe.

He married Nancy E. Thompson on October 19, 1961, in the Christian Church at State College, PA. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He was a traveling evangelist, missionary abroad and local minister. Surviving are his wife, Nancy; daughters: Debra (Bob) Williams of Union, Ohio and Denece (Thom) Dodson of Montrose, CO; and five grandchildren.

He was born September 14, 1940, in Adrian, PA, the son of Thomas E. and Jennie Croyle Crowe. He married Nancy E. Thompson on October 19, 1961, in the Christian Church at State College, PA. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He was a traveling evangelist, missionary abroad and local minister. Surviving are his wife, Nancy; daughters: Debra (Bob) Williams of Union, Ohio and Denece (Thom) Dodson of Montrose, CO; and five grandchildren.

- Submitted by Joyce Moody Fletcher

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bette Lou's husband Bill Shull passes away

Sarah Lyons Poole e-mailed me Tuesday afternoon to say that Bette Lou Welsh Shull's husband, Bill, had passed away.

Bette Lou had called Sarah this past Saturday to inform Sarah of Bill's death.

According to his obit on the internet, he died suddenly of heart failure on Sept. 28, 2011, at a hospital in Milford, DE. He was 74.

They were married in 1959, had 4 children, and 6 grandchildren.

His funeral service was held Oct. 2nd

I'll be sending a sympathy card from the Class of '59.

Bette Lou's address is:

23126 Deer Run Ct.
Denton, MD 21629

- Joyce Moody Fletcher


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Linda Smith Dale came up with this gem - from 1945

This page from The Progress in April 1945 is dim, but it's worth clicking on and identifying a number of our classmates and other childhood friends.  In an unfortunate sign of the times, the children's parents (with one exception) are identified only by the father.

Thanks, Linda!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct. 1 Committee Meeting: Why are these folks smiling?

Judi Rolley White is happy to finally turn over the role of chairperson.  Tom O'Day is glad to finally wrest control of the unruly group. Tom, in his inimitable leadership fashion, gives a full report on the day's activities and decisions further down the blog.

Bonnie Henchbarger Powell gives a wink and a nod to the fun and frivolity.

Wilbur Shirey is delighted no one suggested him as the new chairperson.

Joyce Moody Fletcher wonders why the group can't get serious.

Sandy Unch Williams and Joanne Shimel Magnuson take detailed notes in case they are needed in court.

Peggy Jo Knepp Thompson and Dennis Mollura let it all wash over them.

Tom anxiously awaits the results of the secret ballot for chairman.  If it doesn't go his way, he will invoke the "hanging chad" rule for recount.

Judi wonders why Tom is making it all so formal.

Karen Shirey makes dinner reservations at Moena.

Ed Powell takes it easy.

It's good to be the King...uhhh Chairman.

A portion of the dinner crowd at Moena.  From left, Dan Mollura, Denny White, Judi Rolley White, Joyce Moody Fletcher, Bob Thompson, Peggy Jo Knepp Thompson.

-  Photos by Karen Shirey and Dennis Mollura

Chairman O'Day summarizes Oct. 1 meeting

October 8, 2011

The CHS Class '59 Committee met Saturday, October 1st, 2011 at the Shaw Public Library.

Results of that meeting:

1. Tom O'Day will serve as chairperson for the 2011-2012 period that ends October 2012.

2. The next meeting will be Saturday, April 21, 2012 at 1:00 PM in the Shaw Public Library Conference Room.

 3. The annual summer class get-together will be Saturday, August 4, 2012 at Parker Dam.  Details will follow in the spring.

4. At the April meeting each year, a new chairperson will be appointed for the following year.

5. The committee formally adopted the stated purpose or mission:

To maintain contact with classmates for the purpose of continuing to nurture, celebrate and support our friendship in happy and difficult times”:

Methods we will use to achieve our mission:

1. Plan a summer function each year for the class.

2. Send birthday cards to classmates from the committee each year. Special occasion cards also will be sent when information becomes available.

3. Continue the chsclassof59 Blog on the Internet (

4. Obtain as many emails of classmates for faster and less expensive communication.

Committee members with specific responsibilities:

1. Birthdays and Special Occasions- Joyce Moody Fletcher-

2. Emails and Change of Addresses- Wil Shirey-

3. Blog Information to be Placed on the Web- Denny Mollura-

4. Any of the Above Information to be Passed On- Tom O’Day-

5. Secure Parker Dam picnic site- Judi Rolley White (completed) -

A Message to get out to all Classmates:

Our committee meetings are open to all classmates. One does not have to assume any responsibility. Simply come by to the meeting to observe, participate or just have some fun with old (former is a better word) classmates. And if one does not like to meet, join us for dinner at a local restaurant around 5 PM after the meeting.

Thanks to all of you for helping make the planned functions over the past years a success. I hope to see all of you at the April 2012 meeting along with additional classmates.

Tom O'Day

Orvie brings Joyce Amon back into the picture

Saw this photo on the blog (see below) and just couldn’t resist taking a quick try at helping Joyce (Amon, front row, far right) rejoin the group!!

This was just a quick “photo shop” try at fixing some of the flaws.

I’ve racked my brain trying to remember this photo and the best I can come up with is Ed Pavlinsky was the photographer early in our soph year ('56-'57) and I think he took it. I was “in training” and his assistant until about mid- November, when I took over as the camera guy, and Bob Lingle came on board to help out. 

We had some 4x5 film holders that were from WW1 I think and several of them “leaked” light. I finally started keeping track of what pictures were taken with what holders and found 3 of them to be “bad”. Had to smash them and tell Pop Weidner they got stepped on at a “shoot” outside the Auditorium (of home rooms) and broken! He wasn’t going to let me throw them away!!! Curious as to how this pic “got out”. Normally – we showed them to Pop and he kept them.

Maybe he gave them to Betty.

- Orvis Kline