Sunday, July 20, 2008

Suzy Nagle Uncovers "Hyde City Tech" Photo

(Editor's Note - We have been holding this great photo for some time awaiting Suzy Nagle's tome about life in "Hyde City." Since all of these photos are precious and deserve to be shared and viewed by all, we decided to run it now. Suzy's story is forthcoming, we believe.)

Suzy's Photo Description:

I found this 4th and 5th grades class picture while going through all the junk that we decided NOT to throw out when we moved. I'm still mulling over the accompanying text; but I need Orvie Kline to help identify folks. Hopefully, Orvie, you have the same picture somewhere.

It should be noted that HCT (that's Hyde City Tech) had only four classrooms for six grades when I started first grade. Later, with the influx of Litz Bridge, Mt Zion and West Second and Third Avenue residents, plus the new Highview Village development, a fifth classroom was added.

The teacher pictured is Mrs. Bartley (our classmate, Anne Bartley Aughenbaugh's mother). Most of the kids pictured were fifth graders (class of '58). The other half of the fourth grade was in another classroom.

Here are the names that I remember: Top Row - Mrs Bartley, Joe White (5th), Suzy Sherkel, Jim Lanager (Giles' brother-5th), Judy Haag/Shubert, Wes Shimmel, Lois Schickling (5th), Dick Duckett (5th) and Helen Newpher.

Second Row (from top) - Raymond Ogden (5th), Sarah Reitmyer, Dick Rose (Bob's brother-5th), Bill Newpher (Helen's brother-5th), Joyce Billotte, and ________?

Third Row (from top) - Delores Goss (5th), Jim Hile, Becky Holt (5th), Bob Rose, Margaret Bell (5th), Ronny Taylor (? 5th), Gloria Heitsenrether, Orvie Kline, and _________?.

Fourth Row (from top) - Nancy Johnson (5th), Mary Jane Yatta, ________?, Doris Magnuson (5th), Clayton Teats (5th), ________?, Chuck Nelson, ________?, and whomever I cut out (for whatever reason).

Bottom Row - Celine Collins (Sandy Collins Foust's sister-5th), ________?, Virginia Mabie, ________?, Suzanne McBride (5th), and Sonia Nelson (Chuck's sister-5th)

- Suzy Sherkel Nagle

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