Lea Davidson is one of my favorite classmates. She always greeted you with a big smile. And she was supportive whenever called upon for ideas or help. Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall ever seeing her in anything but a friendly, cheerful mood.
She worked hard as a member of the Press Club for three years and served as News Editor of our school newspaper, The Triangle, in our junior year.
You always knew she was going to be a teacher and a good one at that. True to her calling, she was a second grade teacher at The Phillips School in Pittsburgh for many years, retiring 12 years ago. She then turned her talents to serving customers in Kaufman’s Department Store for 10 years. In Better Ladies Wear, of course.
Her father, Bob Davidson, was one of Clearfield’s best-known and best-loved haberdashers. As owner of Davidson’s Store for Men and Boys, he greeted you with a big smile and could size you up without laying a hand or a tape measure on you. The tailoring was impeccable, and you left the store feeling on top of the world.
It’s clear Lea inherited both her smile and her knowledge of quality clothing from her father.
Here’s to you, Lea Davidson! We look forward to seeing you at our 50th-Year Reunion in 2009.
- Dennis Mollura
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