Fourth Grade Class Officers Elected In Fourth Ward School
Class officers and council members were elected in the fourth grade of the Fourth Ward, September 21.
Dawn Buehler and David Schucker were named council members. All council members elected from the fourth grade will remain on the council for three years unless they resign on account of illness or move from the district.
Class officers elected were president, Gary Greene; vice president, Biaggina Accordino; secretary, Sandra Howland; treasurer, Lewis Marrara.
John McDivitt, Nicky Mendolia, Judy Stevens and Robert Henry acted as tellers for the election.
John McDivitt, Nicky Mendolia, Judy Stevens and Robert Henry acted as tellers for the election.
(By Melvera Kennedy and Linda Porta).
Oct. 3, 1951 - The Progress …
Oct. 3, 1951 - The Progress …
Fourth, Fifth Grades Elect Class Officers At Fourth Ward School
Class officers were elected by the fourth and fifth grades of Fourth Ward at organizational meetings last week. The fourth grade also named council members and staff members for its newspaper, the Star Bulletin.
Mimi Crowe and Dennis Howell were elected members of the council, Joseph Barbara was named circulation manager and Sheila Evans collector of materials for the Star Bulletin. Class officers elected are: President -- Rosemary Sturniolo. Vice President -- Sandy Ruffner. Secretary-Treasurer -- Ann Marie Marino. The tellers at the meeting were Judy Porschet and Donna Barone.
Mimi Crowe and Dennis Howell were elected members of the council, Joseph Barbara was named circulation manager and Sheila Evans collector of materials for the Star Bulletin. Class officers elected are: President -- Rosemary Sturniolo. Vice President -- Sandy Ruffner. Secretary-Treasurer -- Ann Marie Marino. The tellers at the meeting were Judy Porschet and Donna Barone.
Class officers elected at a meeting of the fifth grade are: President -- Patty Peterson. Vice President -- Glenn Myers. Secretary -- Lewis Marrara. Treasurer -- Patty Smith.
Feb. 11, 1953 - The Progress …
Sixth Grade To Give WCPA Program Thurs.
Sixth grades will present their assembly over WCPA at 10:05 a.m. tomorrow by remote control from Leonard Grade building. Songs of winter and the February holidays as well as famous poems and quotations to be remembered make up the program.
Leaders in song will be Joan Shimmel (misspelled), Neil Buckly (misspelled) , Nicky Mendolia, Ginny Smeal, Pat Patrick, Diana Rummery (misspelled), Betsy Kephart and Jessie Stewart. Bob Lee, Dick Spingola, Tom O’Day, and Patty Smith will sing solo parts.
“Snowflakes Drift and Fall” will be sung by a group of seven, Dawn Cleveland, Carol Capatch, Bonnie Henchbarger, Judy Eckley, Ruby Ellinger, Sandra Brown and Mary Gintzer. Lewis Marrara with his clarinet will lead the group while they sing “Glow Worm.” Other participants will be Sara Lyons, Blair Hoover, Gloria Wrigley, Bia Accordina (misspelled) and Pauline Marrara (should be Maloni), the announcer.
“Snowflakes Drift and Fall” will be sung by a group of seven, Dawn Cleveland, Carol Capatch, Bonnie Henchbarger, Judy Eckley, Ruby Ellinger, Sandra Brown and Mary Gintzer. Lewis Marrara with his clarinet will lead the group while they sing “Glow Worm.” Other participants will be Sara Lyons, Blair Hoover, Gloria Wrigley, Bia Accordina (misspelled) and Pauline Marrara (should be Maloni), the announcer.
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