Sunday, September 27, 2009

Next Meeting October 31 at Shaw Library

Dear Classmates,

Our next class meeting will be held on Saturday,
October 31st, from 1-4 p.m. at the Shaw Public
Library in Clearfield.

Since the Penn State game is away that weekend,
traffic should not be a problem.

I'm letting you know waaaayyyy in advance; so,
please go check your planners and calendars
right away and reserve that date to attend.

If anyone has anything they want discussed,
please give Herb a "heads up" - his e-mail is:

This will be the "last meeting" of our 50th committee
for this year only because of our anticipated
winter weather; however, we need to discuss any
future event(s), our checkbook balance and who is
willing to be our chairperson for the 55th reunion.

See you in October!

- Joyce Moody Fletcher

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