Monday, October 17, 2011

Orvie brings Joyce Amon back into the picture

Saw this photo on the blog (see below) and just couldn’t resist taking a quick try at helping Joyce (Amon, front row, far right) rejoin the group!!

This was just a quick “photo shop” try at fixing some of the flaws.

I’ve racked my brain trying to remember this photo and the best I can come up with is Ed Pavlinsky was the photographer early in our soph year ('56-'57) and I think he took it. I was “in training” and his assistant until about mid- November, when I took over as the camera guy, and Bob Lingle came on board to help out. 

We had some 4x5 film holders that were from WW1 I think and several of them “leaked” light. I finally started keeping track of what pictures were taken with what holders and found 3 of them to be “bad”. Had to smash them and tell Pop Weidner they got stepped on at a “shoot” outside the Auditorium (of home rooms) and broken! He wasn’t going to let me throw them away!!! Curious as to how this pic “got out”. Normally – we showed them to Pop and he kept them.

Maybe he gave them to Betty.

- Orvis Kline

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