Monday, September 16, 2013

Suzy summerizes CAHS Class of '59 picnic and dinner following on August 17, 2013

What a great day for our class picnic at the Clearfield K of C  grove! Many thanks to the Clearfield crew: Joyce & Mick, Judi & Denny and others, for decorating and covering the tables, as well as for providing the cute ice tubs, the "Save-the-Ritz" information and video, and to Denny White & Mick Hoover for "manning" the grill. As usual, there was a plethora of food and good, catching-up-type conversation.

There were 31 classmates and "guests" at the picnic: Joyce (Amon) & Dave Michaels; Maxine & Blaine Bloom; Gary Bolton; Bonnie (Henchbarger) & Ed Powell; Pat (Kinkead) Cutler; Orvis Kline; Peggy Jo (Knepp) Thompson; Lonnie & Helen Kovalick; Norman Kyler; Sandy & Sam Lansberry; Pauline Maloni; Sylvia & James McKenrick; Joyce (Moody) Fletcher & Mick Hoover; Tom O'Day; Judi (Rolley) & Denny White; Suzy (Sherkel) & Karl Nagle; Joanne (Shimel) & Bill Magnuson; Karen & Wil Shirey; Denny Mollura's brother, Dan; and Tom O'Day's sister, Helen. Plus, Carol (Morgan) Peterson, (Class of '58 - at the invitation of Judi White) dropped by to share a few minutes with us.

There were 13 (11 after Judi & Denny departed) at the evening dinner at Moena: Orvis Kline, Peggy Jo Thompson, our "hostess" Pauline Maloni, Sylvia & Jim McKenrick, Tom O'Day, Judi & Denny White (for a short while), Suzy & Karl Nagle, Joanne Magnuson, and Karen & Wil Shirey.

Of course, we were all sadly feeling the absence of our intrepid Denny Mo, star of the "Save-the-Ritz" video.

----- Sent in by Suzy (Sherkel) Nagle

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