Thursday, September 12, 2013

Test post for CAHS Blog

Hi Folks - thanks to some good detective work by Denny's daughter, Tracy, and fellow class members, Judi White, Suzy Nagle and Joyce Moody Fletcher, if all goes right - when I hit the publish button in a moment - this should appear as a new post on our blog!

I contacted Judi (knowing that cousin Judi would know EXACTLY what to do!) to find out if we had any info on getting access to the site.  I personally have enjoyed the posts made by Dennis and other classmates so much over the years, that I don't want to see it fade away.  I have agreed to be "blogmeister" - knowing that I have HUGE shoes to try and fill and certainly don't have the skills with words that Denny did - but I'll try!

I have more I'd like to say - but I think it wise to see if this actually works before I go on.  I would like to solicit comments, stories and especially any memories of our dear classmate, Dennis, so that I might compile a fitting memorial to the great man who started this blog and continued it in such a fine fashion for these past six and one half years!!

You may e-mail info to me at:


1 comment: said...

Way to go, Orvis! My dad would be so proud of us for "breaking in" and so happy to know that the blog will live on!

Many thanks,