Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Important to include 'Area' in name, Herb says

I especially am pleased to see the inclusion of Area in the title of our web site because that was one of the selling points the school superintendent and leaders used way back when in their effort to get the outlying local districts to consolidate into one school .

They NEEDED the tax base to get the district financed and had to persuade all the little districts to join the jointure to make the Clearfield Area School District a possibility. The local directors were afraid to lose their respective local identities so the insistence of including AREA was a major point in the negotiations.

As such, in respect, it should always be included. It is not just the Clearfield High School, but includes all the Areas joined together to form the jointure, thus my reference to C.A.S.H. as in Clearfield Area Senior High .

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