Thursday, April 19, 2012

We will miss our chairman, Tom O'Day, on Saturday

Classmates -

I just received a phone call from my doctor and they have reevaluated my MRI to discover I have a ruptured disk not a herniated disk. ...I am awaiting a phone call from a local surgeon to schedule a procedure next week.

I was all set to spend 4 days in Clearfield. Will miss seeing all of you, but if nothing goes wrong, I'll be at the picnic. I'll try to set up the golf outing with Guy and Giles unless Karl wants to start the process sooner.

I'll keep you informed after next week.

Stay safe and healthy. ( OK, no smart comments..I get enough of them from Dawn when I'm injured.)

The agenda for Saturday's meeting is below.


CHS Class ’59 Committee Meeting

At Clearfield Hospital
Saturday, April 21, 2012

1:00-1:10 PM                      Greetings
1:10-1:15 PM                      Dinner Decision- Location and Count-Call in Reservations
1:15-1:20 PM                      Treasure Report
1:20-1:55 PM                      Summer Picnic Planning
1:55-2:10 PM                      CVS Downtown Issue
2:10-2:20 PM                      Selection of Chairperson for 2012-2013 Year
                                                (Chairperson‘s Term Runs October 2012 to October 2013)
2:20-2:30 PM                      Update on Shepherds
2:30-2:40 PM                      Update on Blog-
2:40-2:55 PM                      New Business
2:55-3:05 PM                      Select Date for October Meeting
3:05-3:10 PM                      Close Meeting-Agree on Meeting Time for Dinner

April 21, 2012 meeting will be at the Clearfield Hospital Conference Room

We can park across the street from the front doors or can drop off our passengers right at the front door before parking.  Coming in the front door, you make a right at the first hallway and the conference room is on the left. Someone will be outside to greet you between 12:45 and 1:10 PM.


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