Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jutta Hager Helps Take Blog to a New Level

From the beginning, this website was to be a lot of things -- certainly more than a trip down high school memory lane. It was conceived as a place to share news about our 50th anniversary reunion next year, photos, ideas and information about ourselves and our families from childhood to the present. Here’s how we put it in the very first post in April 2007: "Greetings, fellow members of Clearfield Area High School Class of 1959! This is your website, created especially for our 50th year reunion in 2009. Come early, come often and share your thoughts, insights and memories of the marvelous and not-so-marvelous moments we shared and all that has happened since."

Since then, we have shared many wonderful moments, photos and contributions– particularly from Joyce Moody, Herb Maney, Peggy Jo Knepp, Sue Sherkel and Karl Nagle, Sonia Borst, Peggy Borst, Orvie Kline, Tom O’Day, James Boron, Virginia Mabie, Barb Martell and others.

Lea Davidson, Ann Bartley and Phil Graham also have sent a number of great photos which will be posted in the near future.

We also have had some laughs. Who can forget Wilbur Shirey and the mythical girl scouts who invited him to his fantasy dances at non-existent venues in the Eighth Grade – and the back-and-forth chatter that ensued from his story?

Then there was Orvie Kline’s memory of a smiling Herb Maney posing for a Bison photo and stymieing Keith Knepp’s attempt to load a nuclear fission exhibit into a van.

Amidst all this, only few of us – primarily James Boron (See April 19 posting below), Wil Shirey and the blogmeister - have shared anything resembling a “life story.”

This has changed.

We are delighted to present (drum roll, please) the delightful, serious, studious, brainy, high-achieving Jutta Hager, who came through last week with some marvelous photos. With some gentle prodding, she produced even more.

Jutta says she looks forward to attending our 50th anniversary reunion next year, and we certainly look forward to visiting with her.

So, without further ado, we present the life and times of Jutta Hager, with photo captions in her own words. Here’s hoping Jutta’s response inspires other classmates to come forth with their own stories and photos.

- Dennis Mollura

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