Monday, September 1, 2008

Neil Outlines His Objectives for SDS

Again, from "Campus Wars..." by Kenneth J. Heineman, Neil outlined his objectives or game plan for revolution around the time of a major antiwar gathering at Michigan State University:

"First that this movement in general and SDS in particular is ultimately committed to the destruction of imperialism and the recommitment to the requisto (sic) destruction of capitalism;

"second, that our movement is an element of the revolutionary vanguard painfully forming from the innards of America;

"third, that the object conditions for revolution are not with us, but are coming up (relatively) fast, and that our revolutionary conditions must be condition for the coming struggle;

"fourth, that by the time the revolution is upon us, we will have transformed from the movement as we know it today into a revolutionary political party;

"fifth that that we have not fulfilled our potential as a political movement in the past and, if we continue to follow our past course, that we will suffer deeply as a total movement;

sixth, that our failure, while in part a result of personal contradictions, is ultimately solvable in term of organizational restructuring;

"and seventh, that now is the time to change our subjective conditions to meet new objective conditions realizing that simultaneously, we must develop still newer forms of organization which will supplant those we now form when the former shall have outlived their political relevance."

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